About Our Company

Commenced in the year 2015, Wyto Electronics is dedicated to R & D and sales of solar power systems, solar led street light, split solar street light, solar traffic light, solar flood light and integrated/all in one solar street light.

The company integrates research, production, sales, and service and has formed a strong capability in photovoltaic technology. Our exclusive products are fabricated in our expansive and voluminous manufacturing unit, by employing the latest technology and requisite machines and equipment.

Under the leadership of visionary Mr. Aman Gupta; the company has established itself as a reliable player in the arena of renewable energy. His firm commitment, expertise, conscientious efforts have enabled our company to create a niche in the widespread marketplace and reliable name among customers.

Need of Solar Energy Eco-Friendly

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Even though fossil fuel-generated electricity is convenient, it is disastrous for the environment. Solar power is completely clean, carbon-free and no harmful emissions are released when electricity is being produced by solar panels.

Save Money

Immediately after installation, you might notice a big dip in your electricity bills. Switching to solar electricity aids in decreasing your dependence on the grid-based electricity because the solar panels directly allow you to generate electricity with the help of the sun.

Pocket Friendly

The initial setup cost can be high but remember that these costs are one-time. Solar panel systems are extremely durable and require little to no maintenance over their productive lifetime.

About Our Clients

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